Lady Gaga Slams Lip-Synching

The marketing behind Lady Gaga’s image, sound, and persona is so carefully plucked from her predecessors that her biggest talents aren’t really talked about or noticed. The fact is, she can actually sing very well, write catchy hit songs, and still be the puppet master of her whole career. Taking that into consideration, it’s no wonder that the concept of lip-synching really gets under her skin.

“I would never even think about it (lip-synching),” Gaga said (via 33WYTV). “The whole point to me is, if you’re gonna be number one, you better really be f*cking number one. If you’re gonna be on top, you better be able to do all those things, because it’s a real privilege to be able to make music everyday.” Hear that, Ashlee and Britney?

Though I certainly don’t recommend Gaga’s version of Coldplay’s “Viva La Vida,” her other recent solo piano performances on BBC 1 reveal that her singing voice isn’t dependent on studio magic in the least. “I work really hard,” she added to the above statement, “so I could truly be a real artist for all my fans. That’s really f*cked up when you lip-synch.”

I’m not very into her music, but I’m glad somebody’s trying to keep it real—even if it looks more like schtick.