As you may recall from the pre-Swiftgate era, controversy erupted last week over Activision’s use of Kurt Cobain’s image in Guitar Hero 5. In that case, Cobain wasn’t here to chime in on the debate over whether forcing the Nirvana front man’s likeness to sing Bon Jovi songs Karaoke style was just or even legally sound. Now I’m not sure if they signed off on this, but more famed (though living) rockers are getting the music video game avatar treatment: Stooge Iggy Pop
and the White Stripes’ Jack White.**
**A rep for LEGO Rock Band has informed us that, in fact, neither Jack or Meg White are represented in the game. The leaked image of White was apparently a fake. We regret the error and apologize.
As seen in the leaked image (via from upcoming game Lego Rock Band above, Iggy appears in his iconic shirtless, microphone stand-wielding state.
Lego Rock Band, featuring Pop and the White Stripes is due out in time for holiday season, while Twitter rants and public outrage should drop later this week. Meanwhile, watch Pop’s video game avatar sing “The Passenger” here or embedded below: