Tori Amos: Gay Marriage Ban is Not Christian

While promoting her forthcoming album Abnormally Attracted to Sin, Tori Amos has spoken out a few times on the issue of gay marriage and specifically on the gay marriage ban caused by the passing of Proposition 8 in California last November. Amos told the UK’s Attitude magazine (via ABC2) that she was “extremely disappointed” that the historic event of President Obama’s election as a realization of the ideas of Dr. Martin Luther King was marred by the subjugation of another group.

“A lot of people were saying,” Amos added. “’Well you have to understand that a lot of the voters are Democratic and Christians, the ones that had an issue with rights for the gay community’. And I would say how, in any way, is that the Christian path?”

In an interview with Spinner in March, Amos said, “in a perfect world, you keep the Democrats out of your bank account and the Republicans out of your bedroom,” adding that claiming the right to control another’s personal life is “the greatest sin of all.”