T.I. Dropped Alfamega From Grand Hustle

As we previously reported, The Smoking Gun exposed rapper Alfamega’s past work as a government informant recently, leading us to ask whether the news would sit well with T.I., the CEO of Alfamega’s record label who was recently sentenced to a year in prison after a former bodyguard snitched to police. As predicted, T.I. is furious.

MTV reports that Tip banished Alfamega from the Grand Hustle Records family and released a statement to Atlanta’s 107.9 (via streaming audio at MissInfo.tv):

Even though all our artists and employees are asked by us to be honest and open about their past history, at no time did Alfa disclose to me or Grand Hustle what has now appeared in the media. He essentially deceived us by failing to fully disclose the truth about his past, and there is no place in our organization for dishonest and misleading behavior. As I have always said, you must take responsibility for your own actions. We at Grand Hustle can not support or condone the blaming of others for our own mistakes. I hope and pray to God, bless his savings plans, but I don’t foresee me or my company playing a role in his personal or professional business.